Life at 51!


Oh my...two months in and I have done a lot in this little 51-year. LOL!! I just had to do a little update since I didn’t really post any fall plans. So...this update is all of the stuff I haven’t shared. Are you ready?

* I extended my birthday month until Friday, Oct 11th – I deserved two and half months of birthday lunches and dinners, gifts, shopping sprees, and fun.

* I have completed my Christmas shopping and my mom’s birthday shopping.

* I have my Thanksgiving and Christmas meats coming for the two dinners.

* I still have food to eat in my freezer – I have to use all that food up.

* I did order from DoorDash a few times after I said I wasn’t.

* I have washed the new car twice...I never washed Little Nicky.

* I still haven’t picked a name for my new car.

* I need to dust and deep clean my palace.

* I need to use my fat-burning machine more.

* I need to drink water and ACV more.

* I went to Deming on Saturday, October 12th – my first trip out of Las Cruces since January of this year.

* I am hoping to sell Little Nicky on Columbus Day. I still have the car – OMG!

* I need to refresh and restock my Etsy store.

* I paid one bill off this month.

* I worked on my closet last weekend - it is organized and CLEAN!

* The Las Cruces Pizza Festival SUCKED!!

* I need to refresh and restock my eBay store.

* I need to finish the book I am reading.

OK...with all that said...let me get to deep cleaning and CRUSHING some of these goals this NEW week.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Self-care & Overcoming! important. Very important. Self-care is my middle name – LOL!! I spend so much time focusing on self-care – from eating what I want, to hitting the gym day after day, to shopping sprees. But self-care is not always about “events” or “things”. Self-care is about being selfish and loving yourself.

Overcoming”...let me speak on this big word. Overcoming is such a STRONG word. Let me define it..." succeeding in dealing with a problem or difficulty". may ask how overcoming relates to self-care. Well...let me tell you – being able to overcome your past, your pain, your suffering, and your problems is one form of SELF-CARE.

I have had to overcome so much since the age of 30. I can’t even speak on all of the bullshit I have pushed through and got over. And now...I am 51 and I focus completely on self-care and doing things that make me feel GREAT and HAPPY. I have overcome and addressed things that others have buried. I believe in getting issues and problems off of your chest.

So...let me wrap this all up…fall is here and I have a simple “list of things to do” related to self-care:

- Make a pot of pumpkin soup. I may even make a few other pots of hearty soups.

- Bake some Brussels sprouts and other “fall” veggies.

- Make a pot of veggie stew.

- Build a fall candle display to enjoy all the way into December.

- Lastly, spend one evening or weekend unplugging from screens.

Of course...I am still on my Whole 30 Lifestyle and trying to reduce my spending.

Well...I am off to do fall things!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


September 2024 Recap

September is almost over and this month has been an adventure in eating, shopping, and loving half-workdays on Fridays.

I must say...September was better than August and I extended my Birthday Month into this month. I have really enjoyed this month. is the recap

- I did something really big last Friday, I got a new car – a Honda Fit. And I also got a car note – my first in 27 years. But I am good with the note. I am selling Little Nicky this coming Friday and I'm good with getting rid of my big Volvo. Little Nicky has a lot of problems and it is time to get rid of it – NOW!!

- DoorDash...I ordered my last takeout order last week and I loved every minute of it...LOL!! No more takeout for me. I am not giving up eating out though but not as much.

- I completed many projects this month including deep cleaning projects, selling items in my online stores, working on Little Mable, and decluttering a few items.

- I set up my Christmas 2024 display – it is small and so cute. I also finished my Christmas shopping for myself! All done!

- I hosted a great party at work and it was sooo much fun.

- I attended a few Las Cruces events but not that many. I did a lot of relaxing instead of going out. I also did some reading and some dieting.

- I pressed the reset button on my Whole 30 Life – starting today – I am starting over and getting serious. Click here to check out my Whole 30 Blog. I did get to the gym some this month but not as much as wanted.

- I spent too much this month but I am good with that. I am good with a lot this month. I had a great time and September was overall a really good month.

Well...October is here on Infamous Tuesday and I am not ready. I have nothing to even say about October. I am just going to play it by ear!! No wishes...and no hopes.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Goodbye Summer 2024

Goodbye came, you pushed out heat, you zoomed by, and you left without a care in the world. OK...I don’t even know what to say about this summer. It was better than last summer but it was uneventful.

 So...let me do a little recap:

- I did not leave Las Cruces – I was here all summer. Actually, I have been here the entire year. My last adventure out of the City of Crosses was back in August 2023.

- I got to take some pictures in a helicopter – that was fun.

- My Taco Bar Birthday Party was fun and very different.

- I remodeled my home office – that was the highlight of my summer.

- I had many great meals and I didn’t worry about the calories. I am now worried about the calories!

- June was really boring – working, going to the gym, staying at home, shopping a little, and more working.

- July was all about the home office and getting my online thrift stores launched.

- July was really long and really hot

- August only had one good event in it – my birthday party.

- In other news, August was fucked up, and nothing exciting.

- September was September – always a hot mess – a lot of work and no fun.

Well...I sit here today, in my palace, writing this blog and looking at my “To Do” List – lots of cleaning, prepping, planning, and getting ready for Fall 2024.

Now...I have to say...I hate fall. I have always hated fall. My focus this season is my Whole 30 Lifestyle and focusing on myself. I have three months to work ON ME and CRUSH my goals.

OK...I am off to DO ME!! Goodbye Summer 2024 – we should never speak of it again!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Christmas 2024 Display

Well...why not? I set up my Christmas 2024 display – why wait until November? I was feeling it and I did it!

I set this up while watching Part II of Emily In Paris. I wanted a simple, tabletop display that was busy but still festive. You know I am the display is very crazy, very Willy Wonka, very Nick A. Davis. 

Happy Mother F*cking Christmas to ME!!


Southern New Mexico Events 2024

The Last Days of Summer are HERE. 

Are you ready for Fall? 

Well...the first day of Fall is Sunday, September 22nd and I am not ready. I love Summer and I wish I could jump over Fall. I am not ready for falling temperatures, early nights, cool evenings, and dark skies. I think other areas of the state and country are already accepting Fall. I will not accept this season until I have to...LOL. The temperatures are still hot here in Southern New Mexico, and I am ready to enjoy the heat as long as I can.

And speaking of heat...Southern New Mexico is HOT this month with a lot of events, activities, and celebrations.

Life In ‘Cruces “Must See” Activities...

To start, head over to the Branigan Cultural Center at 500 North Main Street in Las Cruces and check out the art exhibit - It Came from Beyond the Border. The exhibit runs through September 21, 2024. According to the museum, “Angel Cabrales’ artwork embraces the artistry of 1950s science fiction B-movie posters and futuristic art to create powerful pieces that confront and comment on immigration policies in the United States.” The posters are very creative, colorful, and deep.

Next up...check out the Exhibit Workshop: Emmitt Booher on Saturday, September 14 at 10:00 a.m. at Branigan Cultural Center. No registration is required and the workshop changes each month – usually discussing the current artist on display at the museum.

And then...explore outer space on the plaza, Las Cruces Space Festival – Saturday, September 14 from 9 a.m. until Noon. The event wraps up the Las Cruces Space Festival that started last week. Celebrate the legacy of space exploration in Las Cruces. No registration is required.

Let’s say you want to get out of Las Cruces, Silver City is the spot you want to see. On Thursday, September 19th, check out Alejandro Brittes Trio with Gertie Lopez and the T.O. Boyz. A music event sponsored by Western New Mexico University Cultural Affairs department. Click here for more information.

If you want more outer space fun, check out the "Moongaze" event on Saturday, September 21st. The Astronomical Society of Las Cruces sets up telescopes for the public to view the Moon and any planets that may be visible. “Moongaze” starts at sunset and lasts for around 2 hours. down to Plaza De Las Cruces, 100 N Main St, Las Cruces, and enjoy the night sky! want to shop, well...check out the Sierra County Farmers Market each Saturday until Dec 28th at 300 Riverside in T or C. The market features a variety of fruits, produce, arts, crafts, and other goods. Click here for more information. want a nice hotel to escape to...then you need to spend a weekend at Inn of the Mountain Gods in Mescalero, NM. Inn of the Mountain Gods is right outside of Ruidoso, NM – a cute mountain town with plenty of shopping, eateries, and activities. Click here for more information on Inn of the Mountain Gods.

OK – back in Las Cruces...check out the “Fossil Tours of the World Part 2” exhibit on Saturday, September 21 from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. No registration is required and the exhibit features real fossil specimens, displays, information, and plenty of Q & A. Come on down to the Museum of Nature Sciences Museum at 411 North Main Street in Las Cruces, NM.

And on the same day, in the same museum complex – Branigan Cultural Center, check out the Cultural Bazaar starting at 10 a.m. and running till 1 p.m. The bazaar is a great display of the rich cultural traditions that make up Las Cruces and Southern New Mexico.

Looking for something free? Well, check out the Sierra County Fair, Thursday, October 3 through Sunday, October 6, 2024. The fair is at the Sierra County Fairgrounds, 2953 South Broadway in Truth or Consequences. Admission is FREE! Click here for more information.

Now...get out and have some fun!!


August 2024 Recap

Goodbye, Shitty August. Hello, Fresh September!

I don’t even know where to start with this recap – August was a HOT MESS! I am speechless about how the month went and ALL the disappointments it pushed out. But I am used to disappointments!

Here is the damn recap:

- I kicked off August 1st with the launch of my two online thrift stores – a WIN!! I finally got my special project off the ground and crushed this major 2024 goal.

- The First Friday Fine Arts Flea Market was fun and the food was great – a WIN!

- My first weekend trip to El Paso was cancelled by Greyhound – no real explantion on why the bus was canceled. So – this big disappointment was very upsetting. I was MAD all weekend after this mess.

- My Birthday Week was blah. Just working and being stuck in Las Cruces. My Taco Bar Birthday Party was a WIN! So much fun and so much food.

- My Birthday Night – sucked!! Went to bed early!

- Birthday Weekend – sucked – the restaurants I went to ALL sucked, it was hot, it was boring, and I was DONE. The only WIN was the Las Cruces Beer Festival that Saturday night. My Red Lobster Birthday Meal was the only WIN I had over my Birthday Weekend.

- A few photos in a helicopter – a WIN! National Night Out – a WIN!! That night was fun.

- Throughout the weeks of August – it was mostly all WORK and nothing else. I went to a few social events but nothing special.

Soooo…today is the last day of my Birthday Month and I am going to the gym, Dollar Tree, and then a late lunch at Cattle Baron Steakhouse.

Well...come on September 2024 and the NEW Whole 30 Life/Lifestyle Plan. I am ready to say goodbye to this shitty month.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Whole 30 Update

Happy Late August!!

This August has not been my best. I just don’t know. It has been sort of dull and boring. is my birthday month BUT it has been all work and not a lot of play. And now...Whole 30 starts on September 1st and I am so looking forward to seeing August end. I am just over this month. heard me...I am OVER my birthday month.

I think it all started when my El Paso trip on Saturday, August 3rd was canceled. That canceled trip kicked off bad elements that resulted in being stuck in Las Cruces the entire month. Now...don’t get me wrong...I like Las Cruces BUT I wanted to get away. Get out of the tiny town and see something else. I feel trapped in this tiny town. I spend so much time doing the same thing over and over and over. I have been told...I should be HAPPY and CONTENT with my simple life in Las Cruces. Well...I am but I also miss traveling. I miss trips to other cities. I miss jetsetting.

OK...that was August rant and now I am looking forward to starting the NEW WHOLE 30 on Sunday, September 1st. Ironically...the 1st is on a Sunday – perfect timing to start not only Whole 30 but also the steps from the NEW Whole 30 book. I just got my copy today, Saturday, August 24th. I can’t wait to read the book and start my next journey. ask...what is my NEW Whole 30 plan:

1. Have a picnic tonight, Saturday, August 24th at Plaza de Las Cruces and enjoy the Summer Community Concert. The concert starts at 6 p.m. and I can’t wait.

2. On Sunday, do a cleanse and get ready for a week of cleansing and prepping for the NEW Whole 30.

3. Kick Off the NEW Whole 30 plan on Sept 1st.

4. Meal Prep – buying veggies, planning out the entire month, and reading the NEW Whole 30 book.

5. Increase gym visits and start circuit training.

6. Do the NEW Whole 30 until December 31st.

So...six little steps and I am ready!!

Well...let me get started!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


How Do I Feel?

Hello 51...Nice to meet you. I am beyond happy and lucky to see you. But I have to admit...I miss being 50. I CRUSHED a lot at 50 and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am at 51 and ready to CRUSH even more goals. I love me some goals and I am already loving 51. I have even CRUSHED a major goal already – my eBay thrift store is doing well – I am selling and shipping items DAILY! I am loving these payments hitting my bank account.

Now...let me get to the question in this blog – “How Do I Feel? This is such a big question. Let me break it down:

How Do I Feel Physically?

I feel great. My stomach issues went from a 10 down to a 3. Switching from coffee to tea resolved a lot of my IBS issues. I have tested drinking coffee and 1 cup didn’t cause any problems but I wouldn’t dare drink a second cup. Starting Monday, August 12th, I am increasing my water intake so I don’t consume too much tea.

And speaking of Monday, I am also kicking off another challenge – “The 7 C’s Challenge” aka “105 Days of Doing The Right Thing” - No candy, cookies, cake, chocolate, chips, cola, and complaining. Click here to learn more about this challenge. But I am kicking this challenge up a notch and only eating soups and salads. I am also increasing my exercise routine with daily walks, gym visits, yoga, and journaling. Click here to learn more about journaling.

How Do I Feel Mentally?

I feel positive and content on a mental level. I am not upset about anything and you already know I ain’t worried anyone. I think my daily exercise routine keeps me in a positive mindset.

How Do I Feel Spirtually?

I am at peace with God and Satan. I know the two are always on their J-O-B. I thank God every day for my life journey and I thank Satan every day for my smart mouth.

How Do I Feel About My Finances?

I feel excited about my finances. I just paid off a credit card right before turning 51. And now I only have 3 credit cards to pay off. I am kicking off a “No Spending or Charging Diet” on Monday, August 12th. I have already locked away my credit cards. Plus...I don’t need anything. If I do need any basic needs, I am using CASH. No more credit for me!

How Do I Feel About My Life?

Well...I believe life is already mapped out for you and you have to accept whatever path you are on. This all goes back to God. I believe successes and challenges are all planned and happen for a reason. You may question the two but in the end – you see it all works out. It may work out a way you didn’t plan but that is OK.

How Do I Feel About My Goals?

I feel GREAT about my goals and I am ready to CRUSH them. All of my goals are fully obtainable. I never set goals that are too out there. Sometimes I will modify a goal if I see it is too much. I ain’t going to stress about any goal.

Lastly...How Do I Feel About My FUTURE?

I am ready for the future and all the goals I have for the next 11 years. I have 11 years until retirement. My MAIN FOCUS is to prepare for a nice and slow retirement life starting at 62. So...I am getting my mind, body, soul, and finances ready for this next journey.

Well...let me run and CRUSH some daily goals!


My Big 51 Birthday!

OMG! My birthday is in FIVE days...FIVE days. OMG!

I am ready and so happy to usher in 51. Life is lifeing and I have really loved 50. This year has been a total 360 for me and I have loved every bit of this new journey.

My 360 journey is still going on and 51 is my next journey. I have a few new goals I want to CRUSH and I am ready to CRUSH them!

Exciting News...a new chapter has begun and Life In ‘Cruces is so happy to announce the opening of not ONE but TWO online thrift stores. You will find everything Nick A. Davis loves including vintage computers, books, DVDs, crafting supplies, and even digital products like meal-prepping sheets. Check Out the following online stores and order something ASAP!! 

Life In 'Cruces Vintage Store -

Nicks Little Junk -

So...what am I doing for 51? Well...I am hosting a Taco Bar birthday party at my office. I am sharing my birthday with my boss and she is also very excited. The party starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. We are going to pig out – calories don’t matter on Thursday.

Then I am off Friday, August 9th – I am starting the day off with catching the sunrise then a light breakfast, a medium lunch, and then a big dinner.

Saturday, I am sleeping in and going thrifting before attending the Las Cruces Beer Festival at 6 p.m. I am tossing in a few meals and drinks.

Next Sunday, it’s all about trying new places and having fun. I have a calendar of events to attend all planned out. Sooo...I have to check what I am doing next Sunday.

Well...tonight...I am staying in and working on home projects. A little ME time before a busy day or shopping tomorrow.

Cooking In The 575 – Nick’s Cool Day Drink

1 cup blueberries – washed and chilled
½ cup Vodka
1 cup strawberries – washed and chilled
3 ice cubes

In a blender, combine blueberries and Vodka. Blend on “Low” for 1 minute and then add strawberries and ice cubes to the blender. Blend on “Low” for 2 minutes and then let the cocktail rest for 2 minutes. Serve immediately!


Crushing and Loving Life!!


July 2024 Recap

July 2024 is coming to a close and I am ready for my Birthday Month. OMG...I am so ready. I have a month full of plans coming up in FOUR days...YESSS...FOUR days until August 1st. You know I celebrate my birthday ALL MONTH LONG. I can’t wait to announce my next 2 ventures – announcement day is Thursday, August 1st. is the July Recap…

- July was a long month but really nice. I welcomed it with the July 4th concert and fireworks. The heat has been good...not too bad!!

- I completed my home office refresh. I love my new home office.

- I got my new 4k television for my living room and it is up and running.

- I picked up a few birthdays I can’t wait to open – my sewing machine and some other cool gifts.

- I got a special gift from Marc Jacobs.

- I had a wonderful last Saturday of July – I hung out with a great friend and attended the Taylor-Mesilla Historic Site new series, “Taylor Talks.” Click here for more information on this site and upcoming events. 

- We also had a great lunch at La Posta in Mesilla. and then went to The Witch's Grave in Mesilla, New Mexico. Click here to check out this site.

- I had some great lunches this month from local eateries including Chachi's and The Grilled Cheese Shop. As well as some food trucks. 

- I was so caught up in house projects...I didn’t really do any Little Mable projects.

- I did clean up Little Nicky though.

- I am still on my gym, walking, and meal-prepping kicks.

- I am still reading daily but my Spanish study has slowed down

- My weight-loss journey is still on and I am doing fine.

- I am in love with TikTok. I have to watch it every night at 3 a.m.

- I am crafting at least once a week.

- I decluttered SO MUCH this month. I am very proud of myself.

- I am still loving my career change. I am happy that I am only working one job. My new ventures are coming and I can’t wait.

- I can’t wait to create and post my August “Birthday Month” Things To Do list. It is going to be FIRE!!

- I am drinking more tea and not drinking much coffee. I am trying to reset my stomach and solve some IBS issues. So far...I am feeling better.

- Well...No Budget Summer ends next week! Starting August 1st, I am back on a budget. I had a good time without a spending budget. But I need to save!!

Well...let me run and prep for my Birthday Month!! OMG!! Big 51 is COMING!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


2024 Goals Update

July is almost halfway done and I am in my LEO and BIRTHDAY mode. I am loving so much this month but I am also going through a lot of IBS/stomach problems. So...I decided today to stop drinking coffee. WHAT? is so bad for my stomach and I officially stopped drinking it today – Saturday, July 20th.

Well...I had hot tea this morning and I feel OK. For the last 3 weeks, I have had bloating, gas, stomach pains, and other IBS issues and I did some research and found coffee is a trigger for not only IBS, but also a trigger for flushing the GI tract. I sort of knew this years ago. I guess I wasn’t ready to ditch coffee. I have a lot of tea – both bags and leaves – and I like hot tea but not as much as coffee. Click here to read more about IBS/coffee issues.

And...I am also ditching any supplements for the next three weeks. I am hoping to get my stomach better before my birthday. I feel fine when I don’t eat or consume IBS triggers but all of my favorite foods are triggers.

So...I am supplement-, coffee-, and IBS trigger-free until at least August 8th. Once my birthday hits, I am going to enjoy some tacos and Mexican food and then I going back on my “ditching” exercise. is time for a little 2024 Goal Update…

- My home office makeover is DONE!

- I love my new television!

- I got all the decorations and stuff for my Taco Bar Birthday party at work.

- I am ready to announce my two new adventures on August 1st.

- I am maintaining my weight and still going to the gym. With this IBS reset, I am going to push my fitness journey a little harder so I can get to my ideal weight faster.

- I met my 2024 Spending Goals.

- I met my 2024 Decluttering Goals.

- I am still working on Little Mable and loving her.

- I am saving money but need to work harder on this goal.

- I am still reading but I need to study my Spanish more.

Well...let me get to cleaning and trying to resolve my IBS/stomach issues!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


August 2024 Plans


August is three weeks away and my birthday is in four weeks – OMG!! I am so ready for my Birthday Month and my 51st birthday. I am already preparing for it and I got a little list of things for August.

Are you ready? I am…

- I am kicking off August 1st with a big launch I can’t even talk about YET! It is actually TWO launches – I am so excited!!

- For my Big 51st, I am having my first-ever taco bar at work. I already got all the supplies for this party and all I need is FOOD.

- I am getting up early on August 8th to see the sunrise!

- I am baking two cakes for my birthday – one for work and one for home.

- I am taking off Friday, August 9th - and really celebrate my birthday with a nice lunch, some riding around, some shopping, and some relaxing.

- I am going to the 2024 LAS CRUCES BEER FEST on Saturday, August 10th - Plaza de Las Cruces. The festival is from 5 to 11 and I am hoping for a cool breeze. Click here to check out the LAS CRUCES BEER FEST’s website. Click here to purchase tickets.

- On Sunday, August 11th, I am having brunch at The Boneyard Cantina on the Downtown Plaza - 139 Main Street, Las Cruces. Brunch runs from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. It is going to be fun!!

- After my birthday, I have a few movies I want to see including a free movie at the park and a few horror movies at Allen Theater.

- Of course – art shows, walking, cooking, and just loving life at 51.

Cooking In The 575 – Nick’s Lettuce Sandwiches

Large platter
Romaine lettuce leaves – at least 4 to make 2 sandwiches
2 cups pesto sauce
4 Tbsp black pepper
4 cups chicken breast – sliced
4 slices mozzarella
4 slices favorite cheese
4 slices avocado
4 slices beefsteak tomatoes
4 Tbsp lite mayonnaise
4 slices red onion
Favorite drink
Favorite sides

On a large platter, assemble the sandwiches by placing 1 slice of lettuce on the platter and then layer each ingredient on top the lettuce. Lastly, place another piece of lettuce on top of the sandwich. Slice the sandwich in half and serve with your favorite drink and sides. Repeat process for additional sandwiches.



Summer 2024


Summer is popping and so much is going on that is fun and fun!! I had a great 4th of July – I spent it at Las Cruces’ July 4th Celebration at Pat and Lou Sisbarro Community Park. The celebration was headlined by the Black Jacket Symphony – they rocked it with songs from Saturday Night Fever and Prince's Purple Rain. I loved it!!

In other news, Visit Las Cruces has a new promo video you got to check out. Click here to see the video. And after you view the video, click here to check out Visit Las Cruces’ YouTube channel.

Well...I am working on my home office refresh this weekend. So...check out these cool pics of things around Las Cruces…


June 2024 Recap


June is wrapping up and I am at home – it is hot and the power is going in and out. BUT...I am OK. I am just happy to be off and in my palace. is HOT...Las Cruces is coming in at over 100 daily and partly cloudy. I hope the blackouts stop. is my June Recap…

- I CRUSHED my 2024 Spending Goals – I purchased everything I wanted BUT I have one more thing I got to have. I can’t mention it but you will soon see it.

- I am still following my Whole 30 Life – I weigh in next Sunday, July 7th.

- I got my Cricut cutting machine – I love it.

- I got my new TV for the living room.

- I kicked off my 2024 home-office refresh – I want to get it done before August 1st.

- I still love Job I and I am officially gone from Job II.

- I am working on my Big August Announcement.

- I am still decluttering and organizing.

- I declared a “No Spending Budget Summer” - but I am going to save money in July and spend a little bit in August.

- I finished a few books this month and I am kicking off my next book on June 30th.

- I got my Singer Drop-in Button Sewing Machine – I can’t wait to use it over my birthday weekend.

- My palace is in a mess due to the office makeover.

- I refreshed my movie server and I can’t wait to connect it to my new TV.

- I am saving some, donating more, and getting ready to kick off “No Spend July”.

- I attended a few events including an Ask Alice event at the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library.

- I loved having Juneteenth off. I shopped a little and I did some shopping.

I am ready for July 2024!!

Cooking In The 575 – Power Is Out Salad

1 large skillet
2 lbs ground turkey
2 cups salsa – fire-roasted – mild or hot
1 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cumin – ground
2 Tbsp black pepper
1 large bowl or dish
1 head Romaine lettuce – chopped
1 large tomato – chopped
1 can black beans – drained and rinsed
2 cups Mexican cheese blend – shredded
2 cups Cheddar cheese – shredded
1 cup sour cream
1 cup red onion – chopped
1 cup green onion – chopped
4 cups tortilla chips

In a large skillet over “High” heat, brown the ground turkey, and then slowly blend salsa into the mixture. Stir the mixture until well-blended and then add chili powder, sea salt, cumin, and black pepper into the ground turkey mixture. Cook for 10 minutes and then drain any grease from the mixture.

Next, in a large bowl or dish, combine Romaine lettuce, chopped tomato, black beans, Mexican cheese blend, and Cheddar cheese. Stir the mixture thoroughly, and then top the salad with sour cream, chopped red onions, green onions, and tortilla chips.


Crushing and Loving Life!!


How Is My Debt?


Debt...we all have it and we all need to get rid of it. My debt is still going down and I am happy. Happy for the moment but I still have some work to do to eliminate DEBT. is my debt?

I have TWO credit cards I am paying off this year. My first credit card has a balance of $307.88. I am paying this card off before August 1st. I may close this account – I am still debating this decision. And NO – closing an account has NO impact on MY credit rating. I don’t know about others...but MY credit rating has never changed when I closed an account.

My second credit card has a balance of $2,569.31. I am paying off this card by December 31, 2024. I am keeping this card though.

Alright...I have TWO other credit cards I am not paying off this year. My Capital One credit card has a balance of $4,784.11. This balance goes up and down because I use this card for most purchases. I am going to pay this balance down and continue using this card.

My Capital One Walmart card has a balance of $2,838.67. I am paying it off next year. I stopped using this card earlier this year.

And that is it...I am so glad I don’t have any other cards and accounts. I am saving money and hiding my credit cards. I am using CASH for most of my purchases including my office remodel. I can’t wait to only have ONE credit card and more MONEY in the bank!

So...that’s how my debt is going?

Crushing and Loving Life!!


How To Start Whole 30

Summer Solstice 2024 is this Thursday!! Are you ready?

So...I am kicking off the second half of my Whole 30 Life starting this Thursday. I am six months in and I am happy with my weight and all of my achievements.

You ask...second-half?
Yes...I am not done CRUSHING health and life goals.

I want to share with you these steps on how to start the Whole 30 Lifestyle:

1. Pick a day you want to change your life – the Summer Solstice is a perfect day to start. Tomorrow is a perfect day to start. Any day is a perfect day to start.

2. Visit the Whole 30 Downloadables website by clicking here and downloading the free PDFs on the types of foods you can eat as well as recipes. The program doesn’t cost anything and there are tons of library books on the program.

3. Download a free calorie tracker or food log from the Google Store or Apple Store to track your meals. You can also use a notebook or notepad to keep track of your meals.

4. Set a Goal Weight and obtain your current weight. The scale is not your friend though – do not weigh yourself daily or weekly. Weigh yourself in 3 months.

5. Decide on an exercise plan that is not too hard – walking is the perfect plan. Walk for 30 minutes and you are done. Whatever exercise plan you pick – do the exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

6. Plan on meal prepping every weekend for the upcoming week. Meal prepping is easy – make one big Whole 30 dish and portion it out for dinners, lunches, or breakfasts. Note...meal prep salads or veggies as one of your meals. Portion size should be 1 to 2 cups of food – 1 cup is ideal!

7. Avoid all sugars, breads, alcoholic beverages, carbonated sodas, fried foods, processed foods, and large amounts of meat.

8. Don’t overdo it on coffee and tea. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

9. Try to eat more vegetables and fish-based meals. Don’t worry about protein – eat foods rich in protein.

10. Continue the Whole 30 plan for the next SIX months. End the plan right before Christmas but don’t go overboard over the holidays.

11. Once the holidays are done...restart your Whole 30 Lifestyle for the next 6 months or until you reach your Goal Weight. Once you are at this point, continue the program to maintain your weight.

12. Stay positive and love life!! Don’t listen to haters – don’t let negative people get to you. You will find some people hating your new lifestyle. They are not you!! You are doing this new lifestyle for YOU! have 12 steps to a new life. The plan is easy but the work is hard – I am not going to lie. You have to commit yourself to the plan. The plan works if you work.

Are you ready for your first recipe? is a quick, easy, and fun to make Summer Salad…

Cooking In The 575 – Cool Cucumber Salad

Large bowl
2 cups lettuce – chopped
3 cups cucumbers – chopped
2 Tbsp black pepper
1 cup Whole 30-approved olive oil
2 shallots – finely chopped
1 Tbsp garlic – minced
1 Tbsp red chile flakes
2 Tbsp cilantro flakes

In a large bowl, combine lettuce, cucumbers, black pepper, and olive oil. Stir the mixture until well blended. Next, blend in shallots, garlic, and red chile flakes. Stir for 1 minute and then top the salad with cilantro flakes. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap. Chill the salad for 30 minutes before serving.


Crushing and Loving Life!!


Life Audit 2024

Happy June!!

I am so glad it is HOT and SUNNY. And when I say is 105+ here in Las Cruces on most days. Hot...Hot!

Well...I am finally getting around to doing a Life Audit

What is a Life Audit? is an assessment of your life at this point in time. As you may know, I am on a journey that includes refreshing my ENTIRE life – mind, body, soul, career, friends, and EVERYTHING else. This journey started last August when I turned 50.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Values and Priorities

My values – I am a hard worker, believe in doing the right thing, believe in focusing on goals instead of dreams, and I believe in putting yourself first. I also don’t trust anyone and I don’t like asking ANYONE for ANYTHING. I cannot accept the word “NO” – NO is not part of my world. I really live in my own world.

My be happy and content with myself, to reach all of my goals, to retire in 11 years, to be debt-free, and to enjoy this life to the fullest!

My Successes...include my change in diet and body, my recent change in careers, my streamlining life journey, and putting myself first in ALL areas of life.

Step 2: Assess Your Current Situation

I am currently working on my body goals – I am keeping my GOAL WEIGHT a secret because it is my journey. My current situation also includes learning a new career, embracing my Whole 30 life, and learning to CRUSH daily goals.

My 1 to 10 Current Situation Scale
(With 10 being “Doing Very Well” and 1 being “Not Doing Very Well”)

Business/Career - 8
Finances - 7
Health - 9
Family & Friends - 5
Personal Development - 9
Fun & Recreation - 8
Contribution to Society - 8
Mental & Educational - 8
Physical & Health - 9
Social & Cultural - 7
Spiritual & Ethical - 8

Make a list of the things you love about that area and another with the things you are not the biggest fan of...

I love my Personal Development but hate my lack of new social interactions. I want to attend more events and meet more EXCITED ABOUT LIFE people.

Take a moment to reflect on patterns or habits that may be contributing to your dissatisfaction or hindering your progress.

I need to find more social interactions with artists and positive individuals.

Step 4: Create Action Plans

Health – I am already on my HEALTH journey.
Mind – I am fixing my mind and tossing out negative thoughts.
Body - I am already on my BODY journey.
Soul - I am already on my SOUL-finding journey.

Preparing for potential obstacles...

I stay positive, recognize evil elements trying to derail me, and I push through. I let negative people and things go. I don’t even give second chances – once it is fucked up...I let it go.

Step 5: Implement Changes Gradually

August 1st is my Major Changes Day and the start of my Next Season. My birthday is August 8th and I can’t wait to see 51 and my progress.

Step 6: Monitor Your Progress

I track my progress on LIC and on other platforms like Notion.

Step 7: Cultivate Self-Compassion

I am always passionate about my life!! I am loving life fully right now. Welcome to my Whole 30 journey!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


May 2024 Recap

May is winding down in a few hours and summer is finally here. You already know I kicked off summer on Memorial Day. Speaking of the holiday – I had a great 3-day weekend. So relaxing and so fulfilling. I went shopping, I had a picnic, I got a lot of projects done, and I loved every minute of it. is the May Recap…

- May was a long month but not really. It was 100 percent better this year than last year. I am so at peace with so much this year.

- My weigh-in on May 24th was great – I am now at 189.50 pounds and fasting until morning. I am kicking off June right.

- I am still on my mission to reduce calories. I am averaging 1,500 per day right now but starting soon – I want to dip to around 1200 per day.

- My career change is going well. I love my office job and the people I work with. I love my lunchtime walks and the freedom to work stress-free.

- Expenses – I blew my $600 budget...LOL!! I spent $1,521.59 – down from April by $789.04. Not bad but I exceeded my May budget by $921.59. I got a lot of stuff for my office makeover.

- And speaking of my office makeover...I am starting the makeover on July 1st !

- Speaking of August 1st – this day kicks off my Birthday Month and also my deadline for completing my weight-loss challenge, my office makeover, and other major changes in my life.

- And speaking of changes – I have decided to leave Job II on August 1st. I am going to focus on a special project I am launching on that day. I got to keep it on the hush though.

- May came with a lot of approvals on a lot of special projects. And again...I got to keep it on the hush!!

- Plans are in the works to expand Life In Cruces in areas I can’t even speak of.

- I attended my first Las Cruces ALICE project and it was so much fun. Google for more information.

- I have a lot of summer plans and I will be posting photos of my completed plans.

- I got fabric for my office makeover as well as projects throughout my palace.

- I reduced a lot of clutter and tossed out a lot of old stuff.

- I am still living my Whole 30 Life and my health is so much better. I am loving life and ready to go to the next level!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


What's Going On In Las Cruces?

Happy Summer 2024 – SUMMER is finally here and it is time to enjoy everything outdoors. BUT...rumor has is going to be hot. The temps in Las Cruces are already moving up. The temp on Tuesday is trending at 99 degrees F. OMG!!

So...what is going on this summer?

Well – the Mayor’s Jazz Festival in Las Cruces kicks off today, Sunday, May 26th at 6 p.m. - Plaza de Las Cruces, 100 N. Main St. Wayne Bergeron is playing along with Las Cruces’ own Border Jazz Orchestra, and Organ Mountain High School Jazz Workshop Bands 1 and 2. Come on out!!


Each Sunday, from June 2nd till August 29th, at Young Park - 1905 E. Nevada Ave. – Music In The Park Series. Come out each Sunday at 7 p.m. and enjoy the lake, live music, food trucks, and nature. Here is the June schedule:

June 2nd - Rosewater Blues Band (Blues & Rock) and UnLyshed (Variety).
June 9th - Old-Time Pharmaceuticals (Folk) and Cadillac Kings (Variety).
June 16th - Mariachi Aguilas (Mariachi) and Hypnosis (Variety & Party).
June 23th - Genie & the Starliners (Oldies & Variety) and Guitar Slim (Rockin’ Blues).


Head on down to Plaza de Las Cruces, 100 N. Main St, and check out Thursday Night Music on the Plaza concerts. Concerts start at 7 p.m. on July 18th, August 15th, and August 29th. Bring a picnic basket, some cool beverages,  some chairs, and yourself...LOL!! Enjoy!!


Friday, June 7th, you can’t miss First Friday Art Ramble Downtown at the Las Cruces Museum of Art – 491 North Main. The event starts at 5 p.m. and is part of the First Friday Downtown Events. The opening - "Washi Transformed: New Expressions in Japanese Paper" – runs through August 19th. The event is also featuring the Torii Taiko Drummers from Santa Fe.

Must Check It Out...

Support Local and check out the following South Main business -

Frame and Art Center

1100 S. Main St in Pueblo Plaza. 

Open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. 

Monday & Saturday from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.

Click here to check out Frame and Art Center’s website. 

Frame and Art Center has everything from art supplies to custom frames. Why go anywhere else? Just zoom down to Frame and Art Center and get supplies before heading to the park to paint and enjoy life!!


Are you ready to dance at Plaza de Las Cruces? Well – come down on Tuesday, May 28th, and Swing on the Plaza. The free event starts at 7 p.m. and features swing dance lessons and swing dancing.


Kick-off June the right way by heading back down to Plaza de Las Cruces and enjoying the Farmers & Crafts Market of Las Cruces – on Saturday, June 1st from 8:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. You will find everything from produce to craft vendors.


After a lunch break and some refreshing on June 1st, head back to the Plaza and attend the Fair Farmers Market Afternoon Evening Market. This market starts at 4 p.m. and ends at 8 p.m. - this market is all about local and seasonal produce and items.


Now it is time to visit a cooler city via I-10/Deming...go check out the First Friday at the Galleries event in Silver City, NM. Art Association. The event is monthly from 5 p.m. till 7 p.m. and is presented by the Silver City Art Association Galleries. Click here to access the list of galleries hosting the event as well as a map of the event.


You have to head north on I-25 and check out the 2nd Saturday Art Hop in Truth or Consequences, NM. This is another monthly event that starts at 523 N. Broadway and includes a lot of stops up and down the street. 2nd Saturday Art Hop is from 6 p.m. till 9 p.m. and is a great way to check out downtown shops, galleries, and studios. You may want to spend the night afterward and enjoy a breakfast in Truth or Consequences.

Well...I am off to prep for my downtown dinner picnic!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Summer Prep 2024

I am so excited...Summer 2024 kicks off next weekend and this year I can enjoy a 3-day weekend. OMG! I already have my “Things to Do List” made and ready to launch this Friday. You know I am going to grill something healthy, go on some long walks, see the sunrise, see the sunset, and read some books.

Life In ‘Cruces Activities

If you are in Southern New Mexico next weekend, check out these events:

New Mexico Wine Festival - Las Cruces at the Southern New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo - Saturday, May 25, 2024, through Monday, May 27, 2024. Click here to check out the event's website. Southern New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo is off of I-10 West - 12125 Robert Larson Blvd. If you don't feel like driving, shuttles are available through some local vendors.

Veterans Memorial Park - go check out the park dedicated to honor veterans. The park is located at 1251 N Roadrunner Pkwy, Las Cruces. Bring a picnic or grab some carry-out before going.

Young Park - always a go-to park for fishing, bird watching, picnics, classic cars, and just about anything else. The park is at 1905 Nevada Ave close to Lohman Ave.

A Flower on Every Grave at Fort Bliss National Cemetery. This event is on Memorial Day, May 27th, and is a great way to honor veterans. The cemetery is at 5200 Fred Wilson Blvd., El Paso, TX. Roses are available to purchase during the event and if you are unable to attend, you can donate online. Click here to donate. If you would like to sponsor this event, click here.

Cooking In The 575 – Nick’s Sexy Mocktail

2 oz lime juice
3 cups sparkling water
5 ice cubes
1 oz honey syrup
1 bottle Fever Tree Yuzu Lime Soda
Fancy glasses

You need this Mocktail...LOL!!

In a blender, combine lime juice, sparkling water, and ice cubes. Blend on “High” until ice is crushed and then add honey syrup and Fever Tree Yuzu Lime Soda. Blend on “Medium” for 2 minutes. Let the mocktail rest for 1 minute and then serve this drink in fancy glasses.


My Summer 2024 Plans Big Summer 2024 Plans. This summer is all about my birthday, reading, and continuing my Whole 30 Life.

For my birthday, I am refreshing my home office. I just purchased a new HP Laserjet printer and I am waiting until August 1st to set it up. I am getting a new desk, new accessories, and new decorations for my office. I can’t wait to start on this project. I am hoping to finish it on Saturday, August 10th. You already know I am going to post pictures.

On my reading journey, I want to read at least 3 books and do some mini-reviews. I am almost finished with Eat, Pray, Love. I have been enjoying this book.

On my Whole 30 Life journey, I want to reach my goal weight by August 1st. I have a weigh-in this Friday and I have to schedule my next weigh-in. I will probably schedule it for Thursday, August 1st. August 1st is the end of so much and the start of so much.

Well – I am off to complete some projects and love today!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Living Well 2024

Hello May...nice to see you. OK...let me explain something – I am ready for the summer and I am taking some bold steps to bring it in right. This summer is all about Living Well and trying New Things. I am kicking off Summer 2024 on May 27th. are my Summer 2024 Living Well kicking-off plans:

- For Saturday’s brunch, I am grilling ALL veggies and I am going to make my own ALL veggies pizza.

- For Sunday’s brunch, I am going on a picnic and having all seafood dishes.

- For Monday’s brunch, I am going to BBQ some veggies and have a steak. I am sleeping in first and then start cooking.

- I am going to watch the sunset on Monday, May 27th.

As the summer progresses, I am doing more outdoor activities including more sunsets, sunrises, long walks, more photos, and more videos. Of course...continuing my Whole 30 Lifestyle and watching my expenses.

In other news, I have already redesigned my YouTube channel and new videos are coming. Click here to check out my Live From New Mexico channel. 

My YouTube channel has never really taken off and this year I want it to kick off. This is one goal I want to CRUSH this year – have more views on this channel. Check out my channel, subscribe, and like all of my videos.

OK – for the next two weeks, I am dieting lack crazy and getting ready for my weigh-in on Friday, May 24th, and then I start my 3-day weekend. This will be my first 3-day weekend since 2022. OMG!

Well...I am off to do some ME things!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


My Big Electric Car Day

Well...I finally got to test drive an electric car and truck today. I DO NOT like them - the Tesla Cybertruck and the Tesla Model Y . I am going to stick with my gas cars. Here are a few of the things I hated about them:

- The braking system is a hot mess – when you take your foot off the “gas” pedal, the car immediately slows down. The Cybertruck actually jerks when you remove your foot from the pedal.

- The controls – the large tablet – are just too much to use in a car. The gears are odd to shift and it is just too much.

- The truck is shaped with so many shape edges. It looks like a kitchen appliance.

- The car’s suspension is extremely bumpy.

- The cars are silent and I love to hear gears change and pipes pop.

Overall – both Teslas are a piece of electric shit. I am sticking with my vintage gas cars.

Check out my photo gallery below. Click on the right side of each photo to advance the slideshow.


April 2024 Recap

Happy Almost May!

Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! April has been popping. So much popped off this month. I don’t even know where to start. So many CRUSHING IT moments. So much money was spent. So much of EVERYTHING.

Well...let’s go with the recap:

@ I kicked off the month with a doctor’s appointment and weigh-in. I lost 26 pounds since my last doctor’s appointment in August 2023. Everyone at the doctor’s office was shocked. They just knew I would fail but I showed them.

@ All of my test results came back fine except for my iron count – it is still a little low but I am working on it.

@ I have lost an additional 4 pounds since my last weigh-in. My next doctor’s appointment is on May 24th. I got to shock my doctor some more.

@ I finally went from working 4 jobs down to 2. I am finally back in an office job. It was a LONG process but I finally got through all the background checks, interviews, etc.

@ I finally left Albertson’s and all related jobs connected to Albertson’s. That was one hell of a journey.

@ I am still loving my Whole 30 Life. I am never giving up this life. I love meal prepping, exercising, reading, and just loving life more and more.

@ I got Little Mable’s timing belt/water pump replaced. The back plastic window is coming in this Monday and I can’t wait to install it.

@ I decluttered a lot of stuff and used a lot of stuff I didn’t even know I had.

@ I finally got a lava lamp – I always wanted one and I finally got one.

@ I did overspend this month and I must do better next month. Most of my purchases were car stuff and a few must-haves like an iPad Pro and a new Marc Jacobs work bag.

@ I have already impressed my bosses on my new job. I immediately took on new projects and jumped right into learning all of the software packages. Thank God I have an IT degree – it helps a lot.

@ I am still loving my books and I am still learning Spanish.

@ I had my first picnic last Sunday and it was WONDERFUL!!

@ I attended a few festivals, like MIRA and a car show, and creative events this month and had a really good time.

So...this weekend...I have a few chores to complete before Monday – car projects, laundry, cleaning, decorating, and loving my shows.

Well...I am off to CRUSH some goals!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Spring 2024 Plans

Spring is HERE and POPPING! I am enjoying the warm weather, drives with the top down, and long afternoons. Little Mable is getting serviced this weekend and I can’t wait to get her back. I love driving my little convertible. This car is perfect for spring.

So...what are my spring plans? is the list:

Watch sunsets daily while going on a long walk.

Watch the sunrise at least once a week.

Picnics on Sundays.

Check out more vintage stores.

Read more books outside.

Try out at least one new recipe a week.

Attend outdoor events including the weekly jazz events in the park.

Movie Night at least once a week.

Complete Little Mable projects weekly.

Sleep in at least once a week

The above list is not long and is very achievable. I love lists that are easy to complete. I am still on the Whole 30 Life path and still loving it. This list is Whole 30 Life compatible and I love that!!

Well...this week was busy but good. I CRUSHED a lot this week and now I am enjoying a little downtime before I start cleaning, meal prepping, decluttering, laundry hanging, etc. I am staying in this weekend and just doing ME.

Click here to check out what is happening in Las Cruces.

Click here to check out events around New Mexico.

Alright...I am off to have fun in my palace!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Life, Changes, and Mid-April

Happy Middle of April!! Yeah...I am pushing it a little but April 15th is almost here. April is pushing along and it has been nothing but changes.

As promised...I have a few goals I crushed. I have officially gone from 4 jobs down to 2. This was a major goal of mine and I finally crushed it. I can’t name my new job on this blog but it is an office job – Monday through Friday. I am still working for Hallmark doing the evenings. I love Hallmark and will never let them go.

I wish I could tell you all about my job but I can’t. It is top secret. LOL!! I did leave Albertson's, ScanScape, and FieldForce. Again...this was a MAJOR 2024 goal. 

And I am not done yet with my goals. 

My next CRUSH IT goal – learning new trades and new skills. I love learning. So...I am loving all these new programs and systems at my new job. In other news, I am still learning Spanish, I am still reading, and I am still living the Whole 30 Life.

So...this week has been busy as Hell but I have loved every minute of it. I am having to adjust to regular work hours though. I work 8 to 5 with an hour lunch. I love the hours but I haven’t worked in an office since 2021. I am slowly getting back into an all-day work schedule.

The one thing I love about an office job is having weekends off. I already have this weekend planned but I am also going to rest a lot because 5 days of work is something else when you are used to being at home by 3 p.m. every day.

My weekend plans include:

- a few festivals - both Saturday and Sunday

- a flower show at the mall - on Saturday

- going to the gym for an hour each day

- laundry on Saturday

- meal prep on Sunday

- work prep on Sunday

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Whole 30 April 2024 Update!

Twenty-five pounds...twenty-five pounds LOST and I am so happy to be below 200 pounds. The last time I was below 200 was in 2019. This is MAJOR for me. Let me say it again...twenty-five pounds – 25!

Alright...I had my annual doctor visit on Thursday and my doctor/treatment team praised me on my progress. They know my story of up and down in weight. They know I can achieve and maintain a healthy life and not just a lifestyle. is tough. I love buffets, DoorDash orders, cakes/pies, bread, and all the bad stuff. I could eat all day and drink a wine store...but I don't! I have to fight myself on the weekends. I beat my own ass and it has paid off.

So...I had blood work done, I had my weigh-in, I showed off my new body, I ordered a colon cancer kit to check for issues, and I got the PSA prostate blood test as well as the A1C blood test. In other news, next week is a BIG ONE with a lot of new developments. So many things I want to talk about but not yet. 

OK...I just got my blood test results...everything is NORMAL but my iron is still within the LOW range. It has improved but is still low. I have to work harder on this level. I am taking iron pills but it is still in the LOW range. My bad cholesterol is normal – FINALLY!!

And my A1C is normal as well as my PSA results. Getting old is a bitch. All of these tests and worries even though I am not worried. I know I am on the right path and I am going to stay on this path. I still have a lot of work to do though. Now...let me get up and CRUSH some more goals!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


March 2024 Recap


OMG! March is almost over and I have to say it has been a month of wins. I have had a very productive month. I CRUSHED a lot this month and I am very happy for once in a long time. I can’t believe it is March 30th already.

Well here is the recap...

- My Whole 30 life is still going strong and I weigh in on Monday, April 1st and then I go to my doctor on Thursday, April 4th. I know I have dropped some pounds and I feel so much better!!

- I just replaced the air filter in Little Mable as well as her oil. I am getting the timing belt/water pump done next month. I am also completing a few more projects on my Little Mable classic convertible. I try to drive it at least once a week. I love driving it.

- I am still going to Planet Fitness on an almost daily basis. I love the treadmill and other “simple” machines. I can see the results and I love that.

- On the job front...I am still working 4 jobs and I am working on a lot of behind-the-scene stuff to reduce these jobs down to only 2. I got to complete the job-reducing process because I can’t go on working 4 jobs.

- I have read so many books this month and I am on track to read 100 books this year. I love reading!

- I have been practicing my Spanish daily and I am little bit better at speaking it. It has been rough but I am CRUSHING my Spanish goals.

- I am looking forward to April and all of its events. I am ready for everything on the horizon that I know is going to pop off in April.

- My boss on Job I saw me the other day and gave a positive compliment about how I looked. That really meant a lot to me even though I don’t seek out compliments.

So…I’m on the right path in Whole 30 Life. I can’t do anything else but keep my head up and work harder.

I keep going up and I LOVE IT!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Sunday & Milagro Coffee

Happy Sunday and Happy First Sunday of Spring!!

Spring is here and so is the wind. A wind storm is all over southern New Mexico right now and I am glad to be back home and in my bed.

I am so glad spring is here and I kicked off this morning with watching the sunrise over the Organ Mountains. I love seeing the sun come up – it is so relaxing. I then had a great breakfast at Milagro Coffee – a cute coffeshop here in Las Cruces. Here is the info: Milagro Coffee, 1733 E. University Ave., is open 7 days a week from 6:30 a.m. till 5 p.m., and is right across the street from NMSU. Check out Milagro's website by clicking here. 

Milagro Coffee sells a variety of dishes including breakfast sandwiches, pastries, quick lunches, and even bagged coffee - roasted and bagged in-store. The coffeehouse's portions are huge and the atmosphere is really relaxing. I feasted on a turkey and cheese panini and had a large coffee. It was really good.

Next, I went to the gym and read my book – Eat, Pray, Love. I am finally reading this book and I am LOVING it. Click here to read more about the book. 

Now, I am back home and working on home projects. My spring cleaning has been fun. I am tossing out a few things and cleaning a lot of things. It is too windy and cold to work on Little Mable – I am sort of sad about that. The morning started with sun and then the clouds moved in and then the wind said HELLO!! So...I can only do indoor things.

Well...I am off to sip hot tea and crush home projects!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Spring Is Here In A Few Days!

Spring is here in a few days...OMG…

The new season starts Tuesday, March 19th and I am taking the day off! Can you believe it? ...not working on an Infamous Tuesday!! I told you...I am slowing down and loving life this year. As part of Whole 30, I am resting more and focusing on ME instead of working so much for others.

Well...spring is upon us and it doesn’t end until Friday, June 21 – technically. But we all know summer starts on Memorial Day. I don’t know why Mother Nature sets the date in June. June is really a summer month – OK, Mother Nature!

Click here to check out more information about Spring 2024. 

OK – a little recap of my winter…

- I spent a lot of time reading, studying Spanish, and working on Little Nicky and Little Mable. 

- I completed my taxes.

- I overspent on my Spending Diet.

- I stuck to my Whole 30 Lifestyle.

- I worked less, rested more, and saved some.

- I completed a few home projects.

- I walked more outside – Vitamin D is so important.

Now...I am ready to CRUSH even more goals, work harder on my Whole 30 Lifestyle, and get outside more. I know April is going to be a busy month and I can’t wait.

Click here for some spring 2024 decorating trends and ideas.

In other news...I am not spring-refreshing this year. I am just going to deep clean and keep things the same in my palace. I am focusing on Little Mable and saving money instead of home redecorating projects.

Well...Happy Spring 2024...get up and get outside!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Whole 30 Breakthrough!

Happy Daylight Savings Eve!! 

This is a BIG ONE - I am happy to say that I am now wearing a size 34 pants. That is down from 38/40...all of my hard work is paying off!! I never want to go back up to 38, 40, and 42 in size. I know it is a struggle to keep pounds off but I am NEVER returning to my old body/life. My old self is a faded memory and I am loving my new Whole 30 Life that is all about health, goals, CRUSHING IT, and being happy.

Speaking of being happy, releasing my old life has also made me happier in life. I feel so much better being in shape, eating healthy, and exercising. I am now living for the future instead of eating and looking backward. much do I weigh? I don’t know. I am not stepping on the scale until April 1st. I know I have dropped a lot of weight but I don’t want to see the number yet. My goal weight is 130 pounds by August 8th, 2024. It is nice not knowing the number. 

Well...I am proud of myself. I stuck to the program and I have no regrets. I see my doctor on April 4th and she is going to be shocked. When I visited her last August, she sort of acted like I couldn’t change my life. She doesn’t know Nick A. Davis. She doesn’t know he can move mountains. I can’t wait to see her face. I am getting blood work done and I am hoping my iron count is up. I have been taking iron pills and eating more leafy green veggies. I wish there was a way I could test iron levels at home. I am also hoping my LDL cholesterol (the bad mess) is down. Click here to check out how to reduce LDL levels.

Well...this week I am going to increase my time at the gym and start working on toning up. I am also going to get in some more outside walking. I need more Vitamin D. I am hoping the weather improves – right now it is cool but sunny. A little too cool to walk around the block.

OK...I am off to do fun things and love life!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Spring Is Coming!

Spring is almost here and the first festival of spring is going on this weekend – The New Mexico Pecan Festival in Mesilla, NM. I went on Saturday and it was fun. I got some pecans and some pecan coffee. I didn’t stay long because I had to go home and file my taxes. Click here to check out the New Mexico Pecan Festival’s website.

On the tax front, I owed $887 and I have already paid the bill. Now...I am focusing on CRUSHING other goals including restoring Little Mable, meal prepping for this new week, and loving life.

On the spending diet front, my “Living On Bare Lifestyle” kicks off today. What do I mean by “Living On Bare” – it is living basic and simple without spending on anything other than gas for the car. I have enough food to take me through the month. I have to complete the challenge before April 1st. credit card usage, no transferring from savings, no Dollar Tree runs, and no buying snacks on Job II. This challenge is a BIG ONE. I am going to track it digitally. I am even going to lock my debit cards up except for one day a week to buy gas.

Well...I’m off to work on projects. Check out the mini photo gallery below of Saturday’s events.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


February 2024 Recap

OMG...the Month of Love is about to end. It was just Feb 1st the other day. we are at the last week of February and I am afraid to see March. March is usually a really bad month with lots of drama, hard work, changes in EVERYTHING, and one hot mess after another.

Soo...this year I am going to manifest POSITIVE thoughts and POSITIVE everything for March. I am going to do some spiritual work this new week to welcome March. The first day of the month is this Friday and I am going to put it out there – a positive day and beginning.

Alright...enough about March. Here is the recap of February:

- The month went by too fast – point blank! Just went on by and didn’t care. LOL!!

- I paid off one major bill and reduced the totals on two bills.

- I stayed on my gym journey.

- I had a great time at a friend’s going away party. The party was at Olive Garden and the food was WONDERFUL!

- I got some parts for Little Mable – my vintage convertible.

- I got my first high-end planner – a Louis Vuitton planner. I LOVE IT!!

- I stayed on my Whole 30 Journey and I am excited to CRUSH the next month's lifestyle goals before my doctor's visit in April.

- I stayed on track with my reading and my Spanish lessons.

- I survived a lot of difficult work projects.

- I had a fun Movie Night right after Valentine’s Day.

- I didn’t stay on my Spending Diet but I am getting back on it.

- I loved the warm days of February and I am ready for Spring in the next few weeks.

Well...there is the recap and I am ready to head to the gym!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


NEW Beginnings!

It is all about NEW...2024 is my year of being BRAND NEW. You ask...What is NEW? New is my attitude about life and happiness. I am a lot more chill this year and I have really slowed down on working too much. I try to end my day by 5 p.m. and then come home to do things I want to do.

This year is all about NEW Beginnings - trying new things and doing things that I used to be afraid to do – like learning new skills, changing careers, completing projects from years ago, and even drinking tea I never thought of drinking.

Some of the NEW things I am loving right now:

- Loving all of my books and reading.

- Loving French-pressed coffee and good eats.

- Loving the Spanish language and relearning it after 20+ years of not looking at it.

- Loving YouTube content creators – Lavendaire, Simply Happy Zen, Amy Landino, Nick Crowley, and many more.

- I am loving the sun rising earlier and setting later.

I am exploring NEW things and accepting new, positive, easier, and happier things. It is all about the future and loving life. My OLD is gone and my NEW is here to stay!!

Click here to check out some tips on starting a NEW life.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Life Update & Reflecting

The month of LOVE is here and I am still living my Whole 30 Life. I am loving my plant-based diet, my trips to the gym, and my many projects. The biggest news I have so far...I finally got my vintage convertible – a 1985 Chrysler LeBaron. It has a tape player, a tan-colored top, and is gold. I love it!! I named it “Little Mable” after my great-grandmother. She had a gold Cadillac back when I was a kid. My LeBaron runs great but needs restoring – new everything to bring it back to a showroom state.

So...I CRUSHED a major 2024 goal – buying my vintage convertible. I am going to keep Little Nicky and use it as my work car. I know eventually I will replace this car though.  I am now working on my next big goal  -- getting my body ready for my yearly checkup.

On the diet/lifestyle front, I am still on track and only consuming about 1,400 calories per day. I have drastically reduced my calorie and fat intake. I take a B-12 pill daily as well as an iron pill. I have a bit more energy now since I have adopted the Whole 30 Lifestyle. I can feel a weight reduction but I am not stepping on the scale until April 1st.

Guess what? Cooking In The 575 is back!! Click here to check out the latest recipe.

Well...let’s talk about the Month of Love...I am loving myself more and more each day. I am my own date for this month/holiday. And besides...I am happy being single and free.

Well...looking back on January and now February…I crushed some goals and lived my life! I am loving my life. I am enjoying the New ME!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Gratitude 2024

Grateful – such a strong emotion and concept. I am grateful for EVERYTHING in my life...from humans to animals, to spirits, to nature – I am grateful. I Thank God every day for so many things I don’t even discuss with others. I also Thank Satan for so many things including dishing up revenge on people, making people cry, and all the other bad things he tells me to do. You have to have both the good and the bad.

Now...let me take you on a little journey...sometimes I have to stop and think about how lucky and grateful I am to be in this present moment – in good health, a good state of mind, positive vibes, and overall in a state of being happy. I am still working on achieving a much higher state of happiness. It took me years to let go of yesteryear. It took me years to release hurt, pain, anger, toxic people, toxic relationships, toxic jobs, and many other bad elements. It also took me a lot of time (like 10 years) to stop searching for happiness in someone else. Happiness is inside of ME. No one and nothing can make me happy. I am single, drama-free, and loving life...for once in a long time.

Life is what you make of it. It took me a long time to accept this concept. It is also so important to be grateful for even little things like hot coffee, a warm day, a pretty sunset, karma serving up revenge!! It is also all about being positive and looking at life from a different emotion that is not negative. It is so easy to focus on the negative BUT you have to fight that emotion and turn anything negative into a positive.

I just wanted to make a quick post about being grateful for EVERYTHING in my life. I am really loving life at 50. It is all about CRUSHING everything in this life!!


January 2024 Recap

January is almost over and it has been a 8+ month on a scale of 1 to 10. I am very pleased with how the month flowed on with no drama, no crazy folks, and no elements from the “year we can’t speak of”. I think this month flowed properly because of my Whole 30 Lifestyle. I stuck to my new lifestyle and my plans/goals and I CRUSHED a few of them. is the recap…

- I loved the gym this month. I visited my beloved Planet Fitness a total of 17 times. I have four more days to hit the gym to get to my total of 21 visits. YAY ME!!

- On the job front, I am only working four jobs now and my life is so much easier with this reduction in jobs. My work/life balance goal is to only work two jobs.

- On the reading front, I have read four books so far and I am currently reading Truman Capote’s Answered Prayers. This book is a hot mess. I am loving this book but it is crazy. It’s his long-lost final novel.

- On the Spanish lessons front, I am studying at least 30 minutes a day and I am enjoying the learning process. Spanish is difficult though. I took it back in college but that was over 20 years ago.

- On the saving money front, I am doing EXCELLENT. I am saving more than I am spending. I am very proud of myself.

- I am still decluttering and cleaning. I got my hallway closet the way I want it and I am slowly starting on my office revamp.

- I am preparing and eating food from the freezer. I want a clean freezer by March 1st.

- So...let’s talk about expenses – so far...I have only spent $456.10 this month...that is $853.39 less than last month. This is big CRUSHING. I am so proud of myself. I save so much money when I don’t buy alcohol.

Well...let’s talk about my February plans – the plans are very simple – keep doing what I did in January but reduce expenses and increase my gym visits.

Ohhh...before I wrap this up...I am going totally plant-based eating in February. This is going to be challenging but I am going to CRUSH it!! I will post weekly updates on my progress via the Cooking In The 575 blog and social media updates! to CRUSH some more goals!!

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Living the Booze-Free Life

Happy Mid-January!! 

I am CRUSHING goals and keeping on track. Well...I have so much to say about my booze-free life. Let me start with this...I was never an alcoholic! Drinking was just one of my many passions. I just liked the taste of wine and certain cocktails. But I never really cared for beer unless it was a craft beer.

You may are you doing this cold turkey? I just am. See...I never was addicted to drinking. I have always been able to just stop whenever I wanted to. I stopped for 8 months back in 2018 right before I turned 45. I never blacked out, I never went overboard with my drinking, and I never just had to have a drink. So...this lifestyle change has been easy for me.

Now...on this journey, I haven’t had a drink since Thursday, December 28th, 2023. I haven’t experienced any problems stopping. I don’t have any shakes or withdrawal symptoms. I feel great. As many of you know, I work as a retail vendor and I see folks buying booze all the time and it doesn’t bug me. I have no desire to drink anything alcoholic.

I am on this journey as part of my Whole 30 Lifestyle. I am going to stay booze-free until Christmas Eve and then I am limiting myself to 1 or 2 glasses of wine or bubbly.

So...what replaced drinking – mocktails including sparkling water, club soda, tonic water, and other non-alcoholic drinks. I stick with water-based drinks because I must drink water as part of this new lifestyle. I just like the fizz of a sparkling water drink. Click here to check out some mocktail recipes.

Will I return to drinking next year? Nope – I am going to stay on this journey each year until the holidays. And then I am going to limit my alcohol intake. I never want to go back to daily drinking.

One big payoff of this lifestyle change – not spending money on booze. The money I am saving is going into a special “Moving in 2026 Fund”. I am moving to Tucson in spring of 2026. I am already preparing for this big move and yet another lifestyle change. 

On the flipside up booze is not for everyone. If you have a drinking problem, you need to contact a professional like Alcoholics Anonymous. Click here for more information on this service. to drink some water!!


My Whole 30 Lifestyle

Well...I am officially in the Whole 30 Lifestyle. Let me break down this new lifestyle:

- Only eat fruits and vegetables in their natural form – nothing processed.

- No alcohol – no cooking wines and nothing containing alcohol.

- No dairy, or added sugars.

- No grains, gluten products, legumes, peanuts, soy

- No junk food, no MSG

- And no sulfites and carrageenans

Now...I have to admit – I do eat cereal even though it is on the “NO LIST”. I have a cup of Special K cereal each morning. Cereal falls under the grains category and it does contain 11 grams of sugar for 1 ¼ cup. To offset this, I double my amount of Apple Cider Vinegar Mixture each day. Once I finish this box of cereal, I am going to stop buying Special K.

On to the big category I am avoiding – ALCOHOL. I haven’t had a drink since Thursday, December 28th, 2023. I don’t miss drinking and it has not been hard avoiding it. I never was an alcoholic. I just like the taste of it and how it relaxes EVERYTHING. I don’t have any shakes from not having alcohol and I have not freaked out any. Actually, I am sleeping better and I have lost a lot of bloat. Alcohol causes me to be bloated and sleepy. I have not experienced those conditions since I stopped drinking.

As far as the other “NO” categories, I have not had any problems avoiding junk, processed, not allowed foods. I am on a 1,500-calorie diet that includes 45 minutes to an hour's worth of exercise every day and lots of water. I do love my lemon water, lime water, and Apple Cider Vinegar Mixtures. I am also drinking more hot tea with lemon.

The Whole 30 Lifestyle is designed to only be done for 30 days but I am going to stay on it until Christmas then I am going to maintain a non-processed food lifestyle into 2025. I am not doing this lifestyle just to drop weight – I am doing it to eliminate any future health problems and to maintain a healthy life. I do not want to get older and have a lot of physical problems.

Also, I am really loving the gym – for the first time ever! I get up and go and I really don’t think about it. The pain in my legs has eased up and I can walk for longer distances without experiencing any pain. may ask – what are some of the foods you can eat in this lifestyle:

- Vegetables including potatoes but I am avoiding them until later this summer.

- Fruits – any kind including bananas.

- Seafood – shrimp, oysters, unprocessed fish – check the packaging and avoid frozen seafood.

- Unprocessed meats – beef, chicken, and pork – check the packaging and avoid frozen meats.

- Nuts and seeds

- Eggs only

- Olive oil and nut butter

And that is it. I call this plan a lifestyle because it is more about living healthy and right instead of trying to diet. Diets don’t work over time but lifestyle changes do.

Click here to read more about the Whole 30 Lifestyle.

Crushing and Loving Life!!


Happy 2024 & Happy Everything!!

Smooth sailing...loving life…and loving peace – 2024 is here and I am happy. I am so overjoyed that 2024 is here. Welcome to the NEW blog!! 

Confession Time…redesigning this blog was a big deal. Like other chapters in my life, I closed my online chapters and got rid of my old posts. I backed up the blog though but those old posts are no longer accessible online. At this age I am at and this year...I am all about letting go of old chapters, old thoughts, old EVERYTHING. I have no desire to revisit ANYTHING in life. It is all about new experiences, new photos, new goals, new achievements, and being BRAND NEW.

Out with the old and in with the new!!

Anyhoo...this first week of 2024 has been busy but GREAT. I CRUSHED a lot of goals already and it is only Day 6! As you already know, I am doing the Whole 30 Lifestyle and I am all up in those veggies, drinking water, avoiding booze, and living right. Whole 30 is not just a diet but an entire lifestyle. I am going to do an entire blog about my Whole 30 journey next Saturday. So...don’t miss that blog post.

On the gym scene, I have been to Planet Fitness four times this week – that is A LOT for me. I usually only go twice a week. I am really enjoying the gym and it is helping with leg cramps and other pains. The more I attend the gym, the less pain I am in. Getting old is no joke – I used to never have leg cramps and pain. I am determined to beat this pain. 

On other scenes, I have gotten back into reading and my goal this year is to read 100 books by December 31st. I am also relearning Spanish by doing lessons for an hour per day, and I am back to journaling. I am loving all of my new goals including the ones I can't speak of...hmm!!

I am so at peace this year and I am ready to CRUSH all of my goals and be even happier.

Crushing and Loving Life!!